Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Effects of Depression and Antidepressants on Sexual Health and the Research Paper

The Effects of Depression and Antidepressants on Sexual Health and the Sexual Response Cycle - Research Paper Example Knowledge of the terminology commonly used in sexual and mental health studies is crucial for the study of the interrelationship between the two. The physiology of sexual functioning can be best described through the sexual response cycle which is divided into four phases i.e. desire, excitement, orgasm and resolution. The sexual response cycle is regulated by a multi-component system involving endocrine glands, autonomic nervous system, sex hormones and neurotransmitters which intimates the relationship between sexual health and mental health. Sexual dysfunction refers to problems experienced during any of the phases of the sexual response cycle hence preventing an individual from obtaining satisfaction from sexual activity. Statistics present on sexual dysfunction indicate that about 41% of women and 34% of men in the general population experienced various manifestations of sexual problems ranging from diminished libido, vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and anorgasmia (Outhoff, 2009). Further breakdown of the epidemiology reveals that 35% of women and 16% of men experience inhibited sexual desire; 10-20% of men experience premature ejaculation while a further 35% experience erectile dysfunction. The prevalence of orgasm problems among women is 5-15% (Baldwin et al. 2003). Among the several causes of sexual disorders, discovery of a link with psychopathology stands out with sexual dysfunction being a common symptom among depressed individuals as indicated by the fact that sexual dysfunction occurs in only 26% of normal individuals while it stands at 45% of depression cases. Widespread use of antidepressant medications also led to the realization that such drugs had an adverse effect on sexual functioning with several experimental studies confirming this (Jespersen, 2006). The strong link between depression, antidepressants and sexual dysfunction alongside the grave statistics of sexual problems are the considerations that informed t his study. Undertaking this study is important as more knowledge on the link between the two needs to be generated through experimental, meta-analytical and review approaches and the research findings communicated to medical practitioners especially with the growing importance of evidence-based practice. Such research findings have the potential of influencing the prescription and treatment decisions for depression. This study will undertake to review literature from experimental studies into the effects of depression and antidepressant medications on the sexual response cycle after which the implications of the study findings on sexual health intervention research and policy will be discussed. The approach of the literature review will be through analyzing information from experimental research into the issue with focus given to work from the turn of the millennium so as to get up-to-date findings on the subject. Each study will be analyzed in terms of research topic theory, the me thod undertaken for the research and finally the research findings and conclusions arrived at by the researchers. Review of Literature Peng et al. (2006) undertook a study to find out the relationship between physiological and psychological factors with sexual dysfu

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Public Health Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Public Health Proposal - Essay Example For each age group, obesity poses different health problems related to specific age, routine, dietary habits and genetic makeup of the individuals (Reilly 2005). Here, obesity in children (age 0-12) will be focused and discussed in detail. It is reported that the epidemics of childhood obesity appeared in the UK in the late 1980s. In different parts of the world, the problem of childhood obesity is getting worse. Lobstein, Baur and Uauy (2004) asserted that ten percent of the school going children in the world are estimated to contain excessive body fat. Among these overweight children 25 percent are declared as obese with a considerable prospect of developing cardiac diseases, type II diabetes and various other health problems in early adulthood. The prevalence of childhood obesity is considered much higher in economically developed and established countries like the UK (Lobstein, Baur and Uauy 2004). The social impact of childhood obesity on children is also very dominant. A study conducted by Cornell University reported that obese children show lack of social skills than the normal weight children. The social exclusion of obese children provokes several personality issues like low self-esteem, isolation and lack of confidence. Researches also show that obese children are easily targeted for bullying by their peers. Due to several social issues faced by obese children their performance at school is also impacted. Low esteem, feeling of hopelessness and self-pity is usually accompanied by low performance at school and social exclusion that creates frustration and depression in children. Due to depression children become isolated, withdraw activities they used to like and lack interest in socialization and studies. The consequences of such symptoms could be disastrous in young and adult age on an individual’s personality. Parents and teachers should understand all these soc ial impacts and must help obese children to fight their obesity and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Purpose Of Metro Rail

The Purpose Of Metro Rail The purpose of this report is to determine how managers at MetroRail can achieve ecologically sustainable management values and practices utilising planning and controlling methods, while running and maintaining a metropolitan rail network. 1.2 Scope This report will analyse initiatives higher level management at MetroRail can consider in order to achieve ecologically sustainable management, due to investment in new rolling stock and expansion of rail network. The report will look at strategies MetroRail can adopt to run an environmentally friendly transport service with minimal carbon footprint. 1.3 Methodology The information used in this report will use ecological sustainable management values and practices. To facilitate these value and practices, the use of tools such as management planning and organising will be used by MetroRail. 1.4 Assumption It is assumed that MetroRails environmental vision has been promoted to all employees. The policy statement is to establish MetroRails environmental commitments and provides the basis for setting our environmental objectives and targets. This policy will pursue policies that protect the global and local environment and those that are consistent with principles of ecologically sustainable development. 1.5 Limitations This report is limited by its focus on planning and controlling of ecological sustainable management values and practices to satisfy this reports requirements. In addition, only key elements within planning and control have been addressed. Organisational and leadership functions are also represented within MetroRail, however these will not be included in this report. 1.6 Background MetroRail is a state run corporation in the state of Queensland, providing passenger rail services covering suburban Brisbane and extending to south western, western, central west and northern regions of Queensland. MetroRail plans to expand its network as part of the Federal Government Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan, with further investment in new rolling stock to cater for the growing demand for clean, reliable, passenger rail services. 1.7 Plan This report will first discuss the importance of ecologically sustainable management values and practices before discussing planning and controlling methods utilised to achieve their nominated functions. Several practical and theoretical concepts will be outlined to management on different proposals to be taken. A summary of recommendations and justification will be presented at the conclusion of this report. 2. Discussion 2.1 Importance of Ecologically Sustainable Management Values and Practices The introduction of new rolling stock and expansion of rail network raises the need for MetroRail to recognise the growing need for more ecologically sustainable management practices, Robbins, Bergman, Stagg and Coulter (2009). As a result, both state and federal Government have required MetroRail to review its environmental policies and strategies to be eligible for grant funding. Sustainability has become an important value in many corporate cultures, however implementing this concept has been very challenging (Esquer-Peralta, Velazquez and Munguia, 2008). This could be due to sustainability having various meanings according to the interest, needs, and values of different societies. 2.2 Planning Planning is an approach to establishing the long-term future of an organisation and then moving that organisation in an appropriate direction to achieve the future. (Bell, 2002). Through planning a strategy can be developed on the concerns about organisations impact on the natural environment (Robbins et al., p.175). By clearly outlining the ecological sustainable management values of the organisation it can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the company by providing focus and direction (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). 2.2.1 Goals Goals are specific, measurable outcomes that you want to achieve in the next week, month, year, and five years (Chang, 2005). As MetroRail is a government corporation, its goals are set by the state and federal governments. However as governments can change during election periods, MetroRail must be able to set its own goals. These goals must be measurable, an example of a rail company setting goals is CityRail in New South Wales of Australia. The 2009 Customer Charter outlines their specific goals for improving customer service over the next three years, coupled with tangible actions that will directly benefit customers over the next 12 months (CityRail, 2009). Within planning there are two major types of planning that affects a company. Strategic planning is a process of deciding in advance what kind of planning effort is to be undertaken, when it is to be done, who is going to do it, and what will be done with the results (Frank Harrison, 1999). Top level managers such as Chief Engineers, Chief Technology officer and the Department of Transport are usually involved in strategic planning for the corporation. Operation planning is the other type of planning. Manager at both middle and lower levels perform operation planning in order to define the specific tactics and action steps needed to accomplish the goals specified by top management (Morrisey, 1996). Management at MetroRail needs to set clear goals in regards as to how they will expand their current rolling stock, network, and maintaining its existing infrastructure. These goals need to be strategically planned along with operation planning to achieve realistic targets. An example of such goals is to ensure all future rolling stock does not consume more electricity than current rolling stock while featuring extra security features. One way to achieve such a goal is to ensure all new rolling stock is equipped with regenerative braking. This will ensure less wear and tear on brakes as well as less power consumption. 2.2.2 Strategy Strategic planning brings about an integrated perspective of the company, a foresight of the companys direction that is built upon experience and hard data from research (Schmetterer, 2003). Collecting these ideas as building blocks is instrumental to the development of strategic plans. Mintzberg (1994) insightfully said, The big picture is painted with little strokes. There are a number of tools to formulate an effective strategy. Research can be used to see how other companies go about tackling their ecological sustainable management practices. However research in the organisation itself is vital to understand if its current policies and missions are adhered to. Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis helps identify where MetroRail is performing well in its environmental policies and where improvements need to be targeted at. Upon completion of a SWOT analysis, the three key points, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat must be carefully taken into account when setting up ecological management values and practices. A strategy on how to lower MetroRails carbon footprint must be developed with industry and community consultation. Management must set boundaries on available resources, such as human resources, budget and facilities before a strategy can be formalised. If MetroRail does not have the necessary resources to initiate environmentally friendly initiatives, it must find ways to implement the strategy with its limited resources. If it cannot allocate the resources to the initiatives, it may need to reduces its goals or form an alliance with key industry partners to get the resource it requires. A key strategy for MetroRail in ecologically sustainable management practices is to ensure the procurement of all equipment, services and resources have the environment in mind. An example would be to purchase a portion of energy to come from renewable sources. MetroRail is committed to becoming a carbon neutral company through policies the management sets. MetroRails environmental policy needs to be filtered through the company to ensure all employees continuously strive to improve its environmental performance. Many of the key strategies are developed by full time planners who would develop business strategies. Mintzberg (1994) points out, one of the key weaknesses of this approach was that the strategic planners, while being superior analysts of hard business data, were outsiders of various business functions. As such, many plans devised by these strategists were poor. In order to create the most effective strategic planning strategies, each specific business or activities is to be planned by those involved with the particular business and activities. Higher level management should only initiate policies and ideas. This paradigm shifts the decisions downwards to lower level persons who have direct knowledge and in-depth understanding of the subject matter at hand (Barney, 2002). 2.2.3 Plans Setting realistic plans is the next important activity once a strategy has been formulated. Planning is the process of establishing specific objectives, action steps, and a schedule and budget related to a predetermined program, task, or project (Kerzner, 2003). Planning helps to focus on critical areas that need attention and action. Short term plan needs must balance with long term plans. Different types of plans are needed to meet each specific department, as they require different methods to reach their goals. The strategic plans will be created by higher level management, while operational plans will be formulated by individual divisions. As MetroRail is a state government corporation, it is bounded by the governments vision. Higher level management at MetroRail will formulate the strategic plan for the whole organisation on how best to minimise environmental impacts. This is usually released as an organisation policy on the environment. An example of strategic planning, is all future rolling stocks must feature regenerative braking to minimise energy use. More specific operational strategic plans will stem from each division. These ecological sustainable management practices and values will flow into divisional employees to guide them and follow. Operational plans include, how to minimise energy with moving empty rolling stock between stations and stabling yards. These plans will be long term as they are on-going issues and are performed repeatedly. Both strategic and operational planning are important, because the success of MetroRail in its ecological sustainable management depends on creating new paths to the future as well as implementing short term operational plans (Noy, 2001). 2.3 Control The function of control process is taking a systematic approach to figuring out if what has been planned is has achieved or not (McNamara, 2008). This process occurs after the planning process. This allows managers to make decisions on whether to modify the plan as required. 2.3.1 Approaches to Control Setting standards specifies criterias by which work and results are measured and evaluated (Chang, 2005). Standards provide guidelines for measuring performance of ecological sustainable management practices. In order to make comparison on how well MetroRail is being measured on its ecological management practices, it will be benchmarked on technical, planning, perception against other corporations. Many of the high level controls put in places come from the strategic planning stage. These need to be measured to show the public and government MetroRail is committed to reducing its environmental foot print. Benchmarking, however has limitations, such as data not been available, and in such cases, estimates must be made. Managers may use techniques to study samples, ratings, data collection to measure the performance of the organisation (Dhillon, 1987). To evaluate performance is to evaluate work in progress, assess job completed and provide feedback. Example would be to control the roll out of new maintenance of pneumatic pressure gauges. This needs to be benchmarked to the old maintenance scheme to assess if the new system lowers leaks from the system, thus reducing waste on compressing air. To exercise control, manager can perform inspections, review progress and define and add variation to plans. Managers exercise control over projects when serving as project leaders (Katz, Light and Thompson, 2003). The main driving forces for the implementation of controls such as Environmental Management System and ISO 140001 in industry are to satisfy customer requirements, to ensure legal compliance, to improve risk management, to improve public image, and in a systematic way utilise the potential to save money and natural resource (Sammalisto and Arvidsson, 2005). 2.3.2 Types of Control There are three types of controls used by mangers, Robbins et al. (2009). The first is feedforward control. The essential feature of a feedback system is that performance is compared to a standard and this comparison becomes the basis for corrective action (Tadepalli, 1991). MetroRail must use feedforward control as much as possible. This comes mostly from the planning process, such as utilising the Environmental Management Plan. The second type of control is called concurrent control. Concurrent control involves monitoring and adjusting ongoing activities, Erdogan, Bauer, and Carpenter (2009). The best way to for managers to continuously monitor and adjust activities is to manage by walk about (MBWA). The final type of control is called feedback control. Feedback control provides managers with information concerning outcomes from organisational activities, Enz (2009). With feedback control, managers measure performance against targets set during planning. An example of feedback control is measuring the power consumption of the new trains to technical plans provided during the planning phase. 2.4 Conclusion Planning and controlling are essential tools in ecological sustainable management values and practices. Planning allows managers to forecast and to regulate plans for sustainable management. Planning to procuring new trains with regenerative braking and effective and efficient movement of trains between stations and stabling yards are sustainable solutions. Proper planning ensures the strategy and goals developed can be achieved. Control process is followed by the planning process. This link ensures plans are controlled to reach their set goals. Control ensures MetroRail is complying with applicable environmental legislation and regulations, and addresses government policy. In summary, planning and control process ensure MetroRail aims to achieve ecological sustainable management values and practices. 3. Recommendations Implement mandatory training on ecological sustainable management values for all employees. Provide an audit and review framework to achieve continual improvement in ecological sustainable management. Establish objectives, targets and key performance indicators to monitor environmental performance and drive improvement. Comply with applicable environmental legislation and regulations, and address government policy. Minimise use of natural resources. Adhere to the principles of ecologically sustainable development. Procurement policy to consider ecological sustainability practices and values. Word Count: 2488

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tradition in One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich Essay -- One Day i

Tradition in One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich      Ã‚  Ã‚   Explicitly, old habits die hard. People are configurations of time, place, and events preceding their life. History is studied to get a better sense of self and to recognize the contributions of other humans to the world in which we live. Traditions transcend verbally, physically, and emotionally through generations, making it difficult, if not impossible, to ostracize them from our being. In One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, tradition is dissected through the dichotomy of traditional versus post-modernist views portrayed by characters forced to serve, or monitor, time in a Soviet prison camp. Alyosha, Kilgas, and Tiurin live the Russian traditions in an environment oppositional to their native culture.    Alyosha is a Baptist who firmly embraces his religion and accepts his role as a zek. His faith in the Bible maintains his sanity and even inspires his living throughout the day. His discussions with Shukhov involve the purpose for their detainment. "You should rejoic...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

East Is East Movie Review

This movie tells us the story of a Pakistani migrant who experiments troubles finding a compromise between his integration and keeping his roots. Indeed, we understand his will to impose his family a strict Pakistani culture at the very beginning of the movie, when he pushes his eldest son in an arranged marriage. His family is obviously reluctant to his conservative vision, which leads the whole family to stand up against the father when he tries to organize arranged marriages for two of his other sons.Hence, we are being presented successively two different facets of this character. On the one hand, a narrow-minded and over-conservative person, which makes him a brutal husband (the climax of this movie might be when he beats his wife, which marks a real turning point for the relations among the family) and an oppressive father. The realisator managed to create a complex character around who the movie is articulated. As a matter of fact, his presence is tangible throughout the movie , even among the scenes which are shot through the children's point of view.With hindsight, this movie is about a man torn between his desire of integration (we might note his pride when he talks about his owning a business) and the fear of losing his roots. We eventually feel that he just wishes the best for his family, which is why he imposes his vision of life. Though, we might see a part of egoism in his acts, as the strict way he is raising his kids is also a way for him to compensate the distance with his own country .The numerous points of view proposed give texture to this movie, and animates the underlying issues; it comes to say the cultural and generational clash. Even though the subject is quite serious and sad, the realisator succeeded in making this movie lively, and rather optimistic. Many scenes are very dramatic and include a lot of humour. Furthermore, it offers a progressive outlook through the  « happy ending  » and the evolution of points of view from one ge neration to an other (Ernest's tolerance Vs it's grand-father's intolerance).Finally, we might also think of the scene when Sajid gets his hood ripped off to represent the father's openness to his family's expectations. Indeed, in a previous scene shot from Sajid's point of view, the hood gives a very narrow and vaginal-shaped view angle. Therefore, this scene might be applied to his father, the loss of the hood symbolising both the loss of his blinkers and the cut of his umbilical cordon. Thus, it suggests the birth of a brand new man and the entrance in a new era for his family.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Occupational Health and Safety Issues Essay

Explain how Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) contributes to managing the human resource environment. Use the research literature to outline and discuss at least two current OH&S issues that impact human resource management in contemporary organizations. * * * Occupational health and safety are becoming more and more important in term of human resource management. On one hand, managers need to be familiar with the legal context. On the other hand, they also have to keep in mind a development of strategy to manage occupational health and safety. This essay will discuss some current occupational health and safety issues and how they affect human resource management. Occupational health and safety refers to the physical, physiological and psychological conditions of an organization’s workforce, related to aspects of work and the work context. When setting organization’s goal and strategies, managers may have to take to consider occupational health and safety management as an influencing factor. As countries all over the world are integrating in globalization, the change in economic structure also has influence on the way of doing business. When more and more companies move from state-owned to private ones, they may have their own strategy to manage occupational health and safety which is more suitable for their own goal. China is an example. Before, China’s government has authority and is the one who sets regulations on standard conditions of workplace in state-owned company. Since China opened its market to join the global market, a lot of private companies as well as foreign companies were established. This led to the change in government’s laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety. It has been stated in article of Dara (2003) that government rules through unions and associations that also communicate with organizations through smaller ones. Each organization has its own department to take care the conditions related to workplace (usually human resource department). However, this raises another issue among the society. As reported in researches, the problem related to occupational health and safety is still underestimated. Managers and board directors are still considering the profit and outcomes more important than employees’ wellbeing (Meei-shia, 2003, p. 68). Only high demand of employees or legislation from government can affect management decision on occupational health and safety. This can be seen as one of the reasons for an increasing number of work-related stress as well as other diseases. The modern life with the advantage of new technologies may have result in rising stress at work. It can easily be found on jobs that require long time working and much effort such as professionals, science research and managers. There are several reasons that cause stress in workplace. Poor working conditions, high job demands or physical harassment; all of these can lead to work-related stress. Many studies have shown a same result about the effect of long working hour and high demand of work on level of stress of workers. Moreover, as the labor-force is becoming older, younger workers are decreasing; the task for employees will increase. While the number of old labor increased by 4. 2 million, this number of younger workforce decreased by 0. 7 million (â€Å"New and emerging risks in occupational safety and health†, 2009). This can also lead to a high level of depression. It has been argued that because of lack of experience, skills and training, young workers often have to suffer more risk at work (Marie-Amelie, 2009). A major issue that managers have to take to consider in this perspective is how to train young and new labor-force so they will be aware of their rights and duties regarding health and safety. Problems related to occupational health and safety is differing from industries. Heavy industries often observe higher rate of risk than other industries. For example, a study of Hitomi, Bryan and Xabier (2009) on truck drivers’ occupational accidents has shown a relative high percentage of accidents when working on and around the truck. These include stepping off the edge at height (33. 3%), wrong footing (27. 0%), slipping (44. 1%) and so on. Another occupational health and safety issue is that not only it differs from industries but also differs from types of worker. The world is moving; countries are getting closer and closer. Organizations nowadays tend to do their production offshore because the foreign labor cost is much cheaper than local ones. However, foreign managers, as mentioned earlier, usually care more about the profit than occupational health and safety. Similarly, workers who immigrate have to work in unfavorable conditions than local workers. Reports’ results have shown a remarkable high-risk rate of migrant workers compared to local ones. As immigrants, they have to accept hard works with long hour, high demand and poor conditions in order to earn money for their living. For example, a French study revealed that immigrant workers have to face with more risks at work in compared with local workers (Gliber, as cited in Eusebio, 2009). Besides, they often lack of education and information about occupational health and safety at workplace. Differences in language and culture are too factors prevent them from communications related to occupational health and safety. Since occupational health and safety issues are recognized, it is necessary for managers to think about how to manage it along with organizations’ goal and mission. As mentioned earlier, both government and organization should control occupational health and safety. Government can set the standard conditions while organization can have its own management according to its situation. However, the most important factor that contributes to a successful management of occupational health and safety is employees’ involvement. In the research of workplace conditions in China, Dara and Garrett (2003) has emphasized the important role of employees in occupational health and safety. Employees are people who work and face with risks directly at workplace. They know what type of health and safety problem workers often have as well as how to create an ideal working environment. Having workers’ involvement in occupational health and safety management is the best way to do. Employees themselves should be aware of their role in occupational health and safety issues. It is for their own benefit that they take part in occupational health and safety management. They have the right to raise their voice, to make sure that their rights and obligations are protected. Workers’ participation is also one of many factors contributing to a successful occupational health and safety management. In order to encourage workers to take part in occupational health and safety, it needs to have a strong connection between top manager, supervisors and employees. There is number of organizations have failed in occupational health and safety management as they don’t take to consider worker’ involvement in decision-making. The communication gap between employers and employees is one of many impediments to develop a safety workplace. We are living in a dynamic environment that is changing everyday. The advantages of new technologies help people in many aspects. However, occupational health and safety is still one of the issues that people concern the most when doing business. It is still a controversy about how decision-making can help to create a healthy and safety environment. The responsibility not only belongs to managers but also workers who directly experience the conditions of workplaces. Managers should take to consider the occupational health and safety as a contributor to human resource management therefore have contingency plan in decision-making in order to make occupational health and safety management suitable with organization’s goal.